Planning your trip
Getting from Point A to Point B is as easy as 1-2-3. Answer these three simple questions and you’ll be on your way:
- Where do you want to go?
- Where are you starting your trip?
- When do you want to arrive?
Once you know where and when you want to go, you can plan your trip using one of these three easy methods:
- Use our online trip planner to instantly map your route. Simply click the ‘Trip Planner’ at the top of the page and enter your information.
- Call 360-442-5663 and our helpful Customer Service staff will gladly assist you in planning your trip.
- Consult a printed route schedule.
How to make a connection
How to read a schedule

Riding the bus
Wait at a RiverCities bus stop or shelter, they are clearly marked with the route number of each bus serving that stop.
Make sure you are visible to the bus driver. Stand close to the sign or shelter and watch for the approaching bus.
Have your cash fare or pass ready. Exact fare as the bus drivers do not give change or refunds.
Place your cash fare or transfer in the farebox or show the driver your bus pass. Ask the driver for a transfer if you need one.
How to Pay a Fare
Allow other passengers to get off the bus before you board. If you need help boarding, just tell the operator. RiverCities Transit buses have lifts or ramps to assist riders who have difficulty using the bus steps.
Find an available seat, reserving the seats at the front of the bus for the elderly and disabled.
About one block before your destination, signal the driver by pulling the yellow cord on the wall near the window to ring the bell.
You can use our trip planner
Helpful Tips
Be Safe
Please keep all bags and belongings with you at all times while using RiverCities Transit services and facilities.
Never cross in front of a bus! Wait until the bus has pulled away, and use the crosswalk.
How to Cross the Street
To ensure their safety, young children must be in your care and control at all times.
Check the Route Sign on the Bus Before Boarding
Some bus stops are served by more than one route. Look at the sign across the top of the bus to confirm that you are getting on the route you want.
Mobility Devices
Personal mobility devices are allowed on board. If designated spaces are occupied, you must wait until the next bus arrives. A mobility device is defined as a manual or power wheelchair or scooters, and manually powered aids such as walkers, crutches, and canes. Mobility devices must meet the following criteria:
- Wheelchair means a mobility aid belonging to any class of three or more wheels, usable indoors, designed or modified for and use by individuals with mobility impairments, whether manually operated or powered.
- Walkers must be collapsible and able to be stored between seats or in the vehicle’s trunk.
The mobility device must be in good working order, with batteries charged, tires inflated, footrests attached, and all parts secure. (49 CFR 37.3)
DOT ADA regulations allow persons who use wheelchairs to transfer to a vehicle seat if one is available. An operator may suggest that a passenger transfer to a seat for safety concerns. (49. CFR 37.165)
If the wheelchair spaces on the bus are occupied, riders in mobility devices must wait for the next bus. All RiverCities buses have ADA lifts or ramps. The bus driver can kneel the bus closer to the curb making it easier for you to board. Please request this service if it is not provided for you.
Bus Stop Announcements
RiverCities bus operators are required by the Americans with Disabilities Act to announce stops. The announcements help riders with vision impairments know where they are along a bus route. If you would like assistance identifying your destination, please ask your bus driver to announce your stop.
Bike racks are available on all buses.
Always let the bus driver know when you will be removing a bicycle from the bus bike rack.
How to Use the Bike Rack
Flag Stops
The Lexington Connector, route 411 is currently the only route that has flag stops. A flag stop is when a rider boards the bus at a location that is not an established bus stop with a posted bus stop sign. The bus will stop if it can do so without creating a hazard and where the driver can see you in plenty of time to stop. You want to find a safe location. As the bus approaches, wave your arm to get the driver’s attention.
How to Use a Flag Stop
Once aboard the bus, collapse strollers if possible and stow securely out of the aisle. We can secure strollers with children in our wheelchair securement areas if the spots are unoccupied. In no case is a stroller to be positioned so as to block aisles, doors, steps, or emergency exits.
Passengers may use a two-wheel cart to carry no more than four 25 lbs. bags. The cart must not exceed 18 inches in width and be light enough to safely stow out of the aisle. Passengers may request use of the ADA lift or ramp to board carts.
Carry-On Items
Carry-on items other than grocery bags must be small enough to fit under the seat or safely on the passenger’s lap or an adjacent seat; this includes luggage. Passengers may bring only items they can safely hold or stow so as to not present a hazard to other passengers or the driver during the trip.
Rules for Riding
- No unruly or disrespectful behavior
- No profanity or derogatory statements, including racial slurs
- No intimidating, harassing or violent behavior
- No smoking or vaping
- No eating
- No alcoholic beverages (Non-alcoholic beverages are OK if covered by a screwed lid or top
- No flammable or corrosive items or liquids
- Cellphones and other devices must be used quietly, so as not to disturb others, earbuds are recommended
- Appropriate attire is required, including shirts and shoes
- It is a felony to assault a transit employee
- Violators can be suspended from RCT service and facilities
Violations of these rules and those found in the Unlawful Bus Conduct (RCW 9.91.025) or the below Code of Conduct may result in refusal of service or arrest.
Reasonable Modifications
RiverCities Transit is committed to providing safe, reliable, courteous, accessible, and user-friendly services. To ensure equality and fairness, we will make reasonable modifications to our policies, practices, and procedures to avoid discrimination and ensure programs and services are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Whenever feasible, a request for modification to our service should be made in advance, before RCT is expected to provide the service. Requests for information in another language or another format will also be available upon request. All requests should be sent to:
RiverCities Transit
PO Box 128
Longview, WA 98632
360-442-5663 (TTY Relay: 711)
Why are there cameras on the bus?
The cameras are for your safety and the safety of our drivers. We have cameras on all of our buses.
I lost an item on the bus. Who should I call?
Call the Longview Transit Center at 360-442-5663. RiverCities is not responsible for lost or stolen items, however we do keep a log of all items that are turned in. RiverCities will retain the item at the Transit Center for two weeks and then turn it over to the Longview Police Department.