RiverCities Transit Proposed Service Changes
When the Cowlitz Transit Authority extended Route 411 (Lexington and Beacon Hill to Longview) service through September 2025, RCT staff was directed to determine how to operate the service less expensively.
To accomplish this and based on ridership numbers as well as customer feedback from a recent onboard survey, RCT proposes three changes to Route 411 to become effective March 31, 2025.
- Due to low ridership, discontinue both Saturday/Holiday schedule trips.
- Due to lower productivity, discontinue the weekday 1:15 PM trip departing LTC.
- Add a new southbound trip from Aaron Drive & Westside Hwy starting at 6:30 AM, based on customer comments requesting an earlier trip for work and school.
RCT is seeking public comments on these proposed changes before February 11, 2025. Comments and proposed changes will be presented at a public hearing on February 12, 2025, during the Cowlitz Transit Authority Board Meeting. The meeting is at 4 pm in the Longview Council Chambers and on Zoom. Comments received from the Route 411 customer survey will be included.